Nesting boxes are meant for laying eggs, not for chickens to use as a bathroom. Discover practical solutions to keep chickens from pooping in nesting boxes

Key Takeaways:

  • Block access to the nest boxes using boards or wire fencing.
  • Temporarily remove the nest boxes from the coop to encourage roosting on perches.
  • Ensure that the roosts are higher than the nest boxes.
  • Encourage roosting behavior by gently placing stubborn hens on the perches.
  • Consider using nest boxes with foldable perches.

Blocking Access to the Nest Boxes

By blocking the chickens’ access to the nesting boxes, you can maintain cleaner nesting areas and reduce the need for frequent cleaning. One effective method is to use a board or wire fencing to keep the chickens out. This physical barrier prevents the birds from entering the nesting boxes and eliminates the opportunity for them to poop in the area.

Using a board or wire fencing is a simple and cost-effective solution that can be implemented in any chicken coop. It creates a clear boundary between the nesting boxes and the rest of the coop, encouraging the chickens to find alternative roosting spots. This not only keeps the nesting boxes cleaner but also promotes better overall hygiene within the coop.

By blocking the chickens’ access to the nest boxes, you can ensure that they are used solely for their intended purpose – providing a comfortable and clean environment for egg-laying. Implementing this method is a proactive step towards maintaining a healthier and more hygienic chicken coop.

Benefits of Blocking Access to the Nest Boxes:

  • Reduces the need for frequent cleaning
  • Promotes better overall hygiene in the coop
  • Encourages chickens to seek alternative roosting spots
  • Ensures nesting boxes are used for their intended purpose

Remember, maintaining clean nesting areas is crucial for the health and well-being of your chickens. By blocking their access to the nesting boxes, you can create a cleaner environment that promotes better hygiene and reduces the risk of diseases. Implement this simple method to keep your chickens from pooping in nesting boxes and enjoy cleaner and healthier coop conditions.

Temporarily Removing the Nest Boxes

Removing the nest boxes for a period of time can help train the chickens to sleep on perches, keeping the nesting boxes cleaner. This method allows the chickens to get used to roosting on the perches instead of using the nesting boxes for sleeping.

During this training period, it is important to provide the chickens with alternative roosting options, Thus will prevent chickens from pooping in nesting boxes. You can install higher perches in the coop or use branches of appropriate thickness as improvised roosts. By ensuring that the roosts are higher than the nest boxes, you can encourage the chickens to choose the roosts as their preferred sleeping spots.

Once the chickens are consistently roosting on the perches, you can gradually reintroduce the nest boxes back into the coop. Monitor their behavior closely during this transition period to ensure they continue roosting on the perches instead of using the nesting boxes.

Ensuring Higher Roosts

Creating a higher roosting area compared to the nesting boxes can help prevent chickens from using the nesting boxes as a roosting spot. Chickens naturally prefer to roost in higher areas. Thus, by providing them with elevated perches that are taller than the nesting boxes, you can encourage them to roost elsewhere and reduce the chances of them pooping in the nesting boxes.

To achieve this, you can install roosting bars or branches at a higher level within the coop. Make sure they are securely attached and can support the weight of multiple chickens. The roosts should be positioned away from the nesting boxes to discourage chickens from using them as a sleeping spot.

By providing chickens with a higher roosting area, you are catering to their natural instincts and promoting a more hygienic environment in the nesting boxes. Regular cleaning and maintenance of the nesting boxes is still crucial. However, ensuring higher roosts can be an effective preventive measure to keep the nesting boxes free from chicken poop.

Encouraging Roosting Behavior

If a hen refuses to roost on the perches, gently relocating her to the roost at night can help establish the desired roosting behavior. By placing her on the roost, she will become accustomed to sleeping in the appropriate area rather than in the nesting boxes. This method may require some patience and consistency, but it can be an effective way to encourage chickens to roost in the designated areas.

Additionally, providing comfortable and well-designed perches can also encourage roosting behavior. Make sure the perches are wide enough for the chickens to comfortably perch on and are made of materials that are easy to clean. Adding some texture, such as sandpaper or non-slip grips, can help the chickens feel secure while perching.

It’s also worth considering the location of the perches within the coop. Placing them in a higher position, away from the nesting boxes, can further discourage chickens from roosting in the wrong place. Chickens naturally seek higher ground for sleep, so positioning the perches at an appropriate height can help prevent them from choosing the nesting boxes instead.

To further encourage roosting behavior, it can be helpful to dim the lights in the coop at dusk. This mimics natural lighting conditions and signals to the chickens that it is time to roost. By creating a calm and cozy environment, the chickens will be more inclined to roost on the designated perches.

Using Nest Boxes with Foldable Perches

Invest in nest boxes that have foldable perches to discourage chickens from roosting and pooping in them. When the chickens attempt to sleep in the nesting boxes, simply fold up the perches, making the boxes less inviting. This simple yet effective solution helps redirect the chickens’ roosting behavior to more suitable areas, keeping the nesting boxes cleaner for longer periods.

By providing nest boxes with foldable perches, you not only promote cleaner nesting areas but also minimize the time and effort required to maintain the boxes. It is a practical investment that saves you the hassle of constantly cleaning soiled bedding and ensures a more hygienic environment for your chickens.

Advantages of Using Nest Boxes with Foldable Perches:

  • Prevents chickens from roosting in the nesting boxes and soiling them with droppings.
  • Reduces the need for frequent cleaning and maintenance of the nesting boxes.
  • Promotes better chicken health by providing cleaner and more hygienic nesting areas.
  • Eliminates the temptation for chickens to sleep in the wrong place, encouraging them to roost in designated areas instead.

Investing in nest boxes with foldable perches is a simple yet effective way to keep your nesting boxes clean and free from chicken feces. With this practical solution. You can ensure a healthier and more comfortable environment for your chickens. While also minimizing the time and effort spent on cleaning and maintenance.

Regular Cleaning and Maintenance

Practice regular cleaning, maintenance, and proper disposal of chicken poop routines to ensure clean nesting boxes for your chickens and a healthier living environment. Regularly cleaning the nesting boxes helps prevent the buildup of chicken feces, which can harbor bacteria and parasites that can negatively affect your flock’s health.

Here are some steps you can follow for effective cleaning and maintenance:

  1. Remove soiled bedding: Remove any soiled bedding from the nesting boxes, as it can attract flies and contribute to a foul odor. Replace it with fresh bedding to provide a clean and comfortable nesting area for your chickens.
  2. Check for pests: Regularly inspect the nesting boxes for signs of pests such as mites or lice. These parasites can cause discomfort and health issues for your chickens. If you notice any infestations, take appropriate measures to eliminate them.
  3. Sanitize the nesting boxes: Periodically sanitize the nesting boxes to kill any bacteria or pathogens that may be present. You can use disinfectants specifically designed for poultry housing, following the instructions provided by the manufacturer.
  4. Monitor overall cleanliness: Keep an eye on the overall cleanliness of the coop and nesting area. Sweep away any debris, remove any spilled feed or water, and ensure good ventilation to maintain a clean and hygienic environment.

By practicing regular cleaning and maintenance, you can create a clean and inviting nesting space for your chickens, reducing the likelihood of them soiling the boxes with their waste. This promotes better hygiene, leading to healthier and happier chickens.


By employing these strategies and maintaining good hygiene practices, you can create a more enjoyable and hassle-free experience with your backyard chickens.

To keep chickens from pooping in nesting boxes, there are several effective methods you can implement. Firstly, blocking access to the nest boxes using a board or wire fencing can prevent chickens from entering and soiling the boxes. Secondly, temporarily removing the nest boxes from the coop can help chickens get accustomed to roosting on the perches instead. It is important to ensure that the roosts are positioned higher than the nest boxes. Chickens naturally prefer to roost in elevated areas.

If you encounter a particularly stubborn hen, gently picking her up and placing her on the roost at night can encourage roosting behavior. Additionally, using nest boxes with foldable perches can deter chickens from sleeping in them. The perches can be folded up when not in use. Regular cleaning and maintenance of the nesting boxes is crucial to keep them free from chicken feces. It ensures a clean and healthy environment for your poultry.

By following these practices and incorporating these methods, you can maintain clean nesting areas for your chickens. Promoting their well-being and minimizing the spread of bacteria. With a little effort and attention to cleanliness, you can enjoy a more hygienic and pleasant experience caring for your backyard flock.


How can I keep chickens from pooping in nesting boxes?

There are several effective methods. You can block access to the nest boxes using a board or wire fencing. Another option is to temporarily remove the nest boxes and place them back once the chickens have gotten used to roosting on the perches. Ensuring that the roosts are higher than the nest boxes can also discourage chickens from using them. If needed, you can pick up a stubborn hen and place her on the roost at night. Using nest boxes with foldable perches can also be helpful.

How do I block access to the nest boxes?

You can use a board or wire fencing to physically keep the chickens out of the nest boxes. This prevents them from entering and pooping inside.

What should I do if the chickens are still using the nest boxes?

If the chickens have not gotten used to roosting on the perches, you can temporarily remove the nest boxes from the coop. Once the chickens have adjusted to roosting on the perches, you can place the nest boxes back.

Why is it important to ensure that the roosts are higher than the nest boxes?

Chickens naturally prefer to roost in higher areas. By making sure that the roosts are higher than the nest boxes, you make the roosts more attractive to the chickens and discourage them from using the nest boxes as roosting spots.

What should I do if a hen refuses to roost on the perches?

If a hen is being stubborn and not roosting on the perches, you can pick her up and place her on the roost at night. This helps her understand where she should be roosting.

How can nest boxes with foldable perches help prevent chickens from sleeping in them?

Nest boxes with foldable perches allow you to fold up the perches when the chickens attempt to sleep in the boxes. This makes the boxes less inviting and encourages the chickens to find alternative roosting spots.

How often should I clean the nesting boxes?

Regular cleaning and maintenance are essential for keeping the nesting boxes free from chicken feces. Remove any soiled bedding and replace it with fresh material regularly to maintain cleanliness.

Can these methods improve chicken health?

Yes, maintaining clean nesting boxes can contribute to better chicken health and hygiene. By preventing chickens from pooping in the nest boxes, you reduce the risk of bacterial contamination and potential health issues.